28.07.2020 14:06

Десять идей поделок ко дню рождения своими руками крестной | Сайт о рукоделии

Десять идей поделок ко дню рождения своими руками
Creating a Colorful Scrapbooking Album: A Unique Gift Idea

Hey there, fellow readers in Russia! Are you looking for a creative and original gift idea? Well, look no further because I've got a great suggestion for you today: a colorful scrapbooking album! It's one of the most unique and meaningful gifts you can create for your little one, filled with precious moments and cherished memories. So, let's dive into the world of scrapbooking and learn how to create a one-of-a-kind present that your child will absolutely love!

What is Scrapbooking?

First things first, let's talk about what scrapbooking actually is. Scrapbooking is a popular hobby that involves creating personalized albums or books filled with photographs, decorative papers, embellishments, and journaling. It's like telling a story through a visual diary. You can think of it as a way of preserving memories, capturing special moments, and expressing your creativity all in one!

Getting Started

Now that we know what scrapbooking is all about, it's time to get started with the process. Here are some steps to guide you:

  1. Choose a Theme: Select a bright and colorful theme for your album. It could be something like "My Adventure-filled Childhood" or "Everyday Moments of Joy." The theme will help you maintain a cohesive look throughout the album.
  2. Gather Supplies: Collect all the necessary supplies such as quality patterned papers, adhesive, scissors, photo corners, stickers, ribbons, and any other decorative elements you like. Shop online or visit your local craft store to find a wide variety of options.
  3. Organize Your Photos: Sort through your collection of photos and choose the ones that best represent the moments you want to capture in the album. This could be pictures from birthdays, holidays, vacations, or any other significant events.
  4. Design Layouts: Experiment with different layouts and arrangements for your photos and decorative elements. You can create collages, add borders, use frames, and play around with shapes and sizes.
  5. Add Personal Touches: Write meaningful captions or journal entries alongside the photos. You can also include drawings, doodles, or handwritten notes to make the album even more personal and unique.

Why Scrapbooking Makes a Great Gift

Now you might be wondering, why should I choose scrapbooking as a gift idea? Well, let me share a few reasons with you:

  • Emotional Value: A scrapbooking album is a sentimental gift that will be cherished for a lifetime. It allows you to preserve and relive precious memories, creating a lasting emotional connection.
  • Individuality: By personalizing the album with your creativity and unique style, you're giving a gift that is truly one-of-a-kind, just like your little one.
  • Creativity and Relaxation: Scrapbooking is not only a wonderful way to express your creativity, but it's also a relaxing and therapeutic activity. It allows you to unwind and escape from the daily hustle and bustle.


So there you have it, my friends! Creating a colorful scrapbooking album is a fantastic gift idea that will surely win the hearts of your precious little ones. It's a unique way of capturing and preserving their special moments while expressing your creativity at the same time. Remember, the key is to choose a bright theme, gather your supplies, organize your photos, design layouts, and add those personal touches that make the album truly special. Happy scrapbooking!

Идея №2: Мягкая игрушка в технике апликации

С помощью апликации можно создать забавную и мягкую игрушку для вашего ребенка. Подберите милый шаблон животного, вырежьте и расшейте его из разноцветных тканей. Результатом будет уникальная игрушка, которая будет сопровождать вашего ребенка на протяжении

Идея №3: Подарок рукодельного фотоколлажа

Соберите коллаж из фотографий вашей детишки и крестной. Используя рамку и различные декоративные элементы, создайте оригинальное произведение искусства, которое будет напоминать о важности крестной в жизни вашего ребенка.

Идея №4: Роспись посуды в технике декупажа

Возможно, ваша крестная любит вкусно поесть. Подарите ей уникальную посуду, которую вы сами украсите. Воспользуйтесь техникой декупажа и преобразите обычные тарелки или кружки. Это будет долговременный и практичный подарок, который она будет использовать в

Идея №5: Оригинальный фоторамка в стиле винтаж

Создайте стильную фоторамку, используя элементы винтажного декора. Используйте старые фоторамки, добавьте декоративные элементы в виде цветов или бабочек, нанесите эффект старения. Подобранная красивая фотография сделает этот подарок еще более уникальным.